Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Put a ring on it....or not.

Everyday, I sit around and peruse the blogs that I frequent, similar to how people look at the daily paper every morning. Every now and then, I'll read something that evokes a reaction and inspires me to twitter/FB rant or blog. This post is a result of the latter. I was just reading a post at BlackAndMarriedWithKids.Com about a writer's thoughts about a man who decided to give his new fiancee bracelet instead of an engagement ring. The reasoning behind the gesture was money that would have been spent on the ring would go to the couple's home. 

The concept intrigued me. After all, I've been critical of the bells and whistles that come with getting married but when I thought about it, I wasn't sure I would forgo getting a ring. Black love is constantly under attack and I am quick to promote anything that shows Black Love in a positive light. An engagement ring shows that a woman is almost officially off the market. An engagement ring on a Black woman shows that she has a higher chance of not becoming another statistic or stereotype. So, would I want a ring? Yes. But I don't need a big as shiny rock or something that is worth a mortgage or paycheck. A small, simple ring will do. Hell, I just want my wedding ring to be a simple gold band anyway. No bells, no whistles. Just simplicity.

What do you think? Would you consider forgoing a ring? Would you mind just having a small inexpensive ring? Drop a comment.


  1. I can't do a bracelet. I have to have the ring because it symbolizes that I have formed a union with someone. I wouldn't take seriously wearing a bracelet everyday as I would a ring. To level the playing field, I would choose a ring over a ceremony, why? Because that where the expenses become an issue in my opinion. But hey, my parents are fronting the bill...I know that's bad but I'm the only girl.

  2. LOL a bracelet? it's cute but It's like puppy love,it's like what kids would do. Now if we're at that stage that we're going to get married I definitly don't think we're kids anymore.
    That's just my take :)
