Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It's Supposed to Be Just Hair....

I've been trying to drum up a natural hair post for a few days because I have done one in a while. Well, I got my inspiration.

There was a YouTube video posted on's forums by one of the members. It seems like the person that posted the video wasn't very fond of it's content. Well, I watched it. All eight minutes of it. In the video, a young girl was expressing her disdain for the "natural hair obsession". She used to make tutorial videos and decided to quit because she felt like going natural had become a fad and some people were being a bit extra. After getting past the condescending tone of the video and other annoyances, I thought about what I had watched and concluded that the Youtuber had a valid point.
I hate to break it to you my natural hair'd ladies but sometimes, it's too much. I think a lot of us are becoming the same thing we claim to despise. Don't believe me? Let me break it down...

I big chopped two months ago. During my first month of naturalness, I acted a straight fool. I admit it. Every tweet had the #naturalhair hashtag attached to it. I couldn't stop talking about my hair. Well, people started to think I was talking too much and bitchassness ensued. Consequently, I stopped tweeting about it for a minute out of stubbornness and I eventually deleted that Twitter all together. Well, I'm on my second account and I still don't tweet about natural hair as much. Why? I'm over the hype. Everything that was exciting to me is boring to me now. With the exception of a few blogs and a radio/TV show, no one never says anything new to me. It seems like everyone thinks the same and talks the same. Anyone that doesn't say something positive gets attacked. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't like when people talk crap about naturals either but must we go on a war path every time someone says something stupid? Also, I grew tired of the constant snarky remarks made towards women with unnatural hair and said women posting blog posts defending their hair. Naturals, I get that you love your hair, but you can express that love without being bitchy towards "weavies" and "permies". It's not cute. It's divisive and counterproductive. I get that some of them talk crap about our hair but you don't have to stoop to that level and vice versa for my permed and weaved sisters. You shouldn't feel like you have to defend your hair or your Blackness because a few natural snobs. To tell the truth, most of us don't give a damn about your hair anyway. Having natural hair doesn't give someone a V.I.P. Black card. I get it, you're excited. I was too. But keep the snark at a minimum.

I apologize if this post isn't that organized. I was doing a bit of rambling. If I need to elaborate, I will later. Just let me know.

Tell me what you think. Drop a comment.
Editor's Note: EAC has a new commenting system test it out and let me know what you think!

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