Friday, June 11, 2010

Natural Hair vs. Career: My Experience

Thursday night was one of agony, frustration and anxiety. I had an interview the following day and I experiencing a mini-crisis. I didn't know what to do with my hair. You see, I big chopped (cut off my relaxed ends for those not familiar with natural hair terminology) about two weeks ago and have a small fluffy afro. I was running around like a mad woman. I asked for advice online. I even consider straightening it and putting on a wig. Finally, I went into my mom's room and she offered to twist it. I wore a twist-out to the interview. Although the interview went smoothly, I still wonder if my hair affected my chance of getting that job. 

I knew when I started my transition seven months ago that I would run into some challenges. But I was very unprepared for this one. I had been reading natural hair blogs for months that mentioned this very subject but I still wasn't ready for the butterflies in the pit of my stomach. I wonder how many other women have felt the same way. I don't think people realize how big of an issue this is because I certainly did not. When I was relaxed, I wouldn't have given a damn about how my hair looked because I knew I would be coming out of a wrap like I did every morning. I didn't have a care in the world. Before my boyfriend started growing his dreads, I bet he did not think that a store employee would lie in order to avoid giving him an application. Hell, as I type, one of my friends has a status on my Facebook timeline referring to an employer that didn't want to hire a black woman and I'm sure her natural hair did not help. Earlier today, media outlets reported that American Apparel discriminated again Black women that straightened their hair. It's like we're damned if we do and damned if we don't. 

What do you think?


  1. My cousin (who is natural) slaps on a wig for her interviews. She said that interviewers are intimidated by black women w/ natural hair.

    Me, it's a package deal. If they can't dig the hair, then they don't need me. Hope you get the job!

  2. Hope you get the job.

    I completely understand where you're coming from, I have an interview on Monday and I'm not sure what to do. On the one hand I want them to accept all of me, but on the other I know that natural hair can be off putting. *sigh*

  3. I am 5 months into my transition and I feel you! I'm at that point where I'm frustrated enough to BC, but I am scared of what that will be like. Luckily for me, I am currently not working so I don't have to style my hair every day. My plan is to get braids for about 4 months and then do the BC. It's inevitable, so I might as well embrace it.

    I live in Venezuela right now and I don't get the feeling that this will be viewed negatively. But, I do wonder how I will be perceived professionally when I move back to the states. In essence, I think an employer worth working for will see past that.

    Have you tried any products to help define your curls?
